Live from the Lab: Stories of Animal Ancestors
Have you ever wanted to travel back in time and understand how animal life came to be? This series might be your best chance. Join researchers as they ask the same overarching question: what did animal ancestors look like? In an attempt to answer this question, we will discuss modern methods in science, take a look at the fossil record, how cells shape the bodies of different animals and how they evolve. Bring along your burning questions on the origins and evolution of animal life and join in the discussion.

Spider-Man and the model organism
Like people say in Sweden, “Hej, allihop!” Long time no see. Summer break is over and autumn is here, the temperature has dropped and rain pours almost daily. Last time, I talked about the spiders I am breeding in my lab. Following this post, I want to...Why studying “ugly” species matters?
Hey there. In this second video I talk about the importance of studying what we call “ugly” species for biomedical, biological and conservation research. Enjoy it. The music comes from parts of the song “Start” by Cambo, licensed under an...
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