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Visiting address: Thormøhlens gate 53A

The Department of Biology and the Department of Molecular Biology have from 1st of January 2018 merged into a new department; Department of Biological Sciences (BIO). BIO in Bergen is the right place to be if you want to learn more about how proteins and molecules influence organisms or how all the fascinating adaptations in plants, animals and microorganisms have evolved, how they influence us, and how we influence them and their ecosystems. At the Department of Biological Sciences we study and conduct research on processes that have a fundamental influence on our lives. Biology and molecular life science are important fields contributing to sustainable solutions for global challenges, and the knowledge we generate is essential for our health, food security, economy, nature preservation and societal development.

Our Principal Investigator participating in the EvoCell Program

Andreas Hejnol

Andreas Hejnol

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen

Andreas Hejnol is Professor and research group leader of “Comparative Developmental Biology” at the Department for Biological Sciences (BIO) in Bergen, Norway. After obtaining his Ph.D. in Comparative Zoology from the Free University Berlin, Germany in 2002 he worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Ralf Schnabel in Braunschweig and at the Kewalo Marine Laboratory in the lab of Mark Q. Martindale in Hawaii. He led a research group at the Sars Centre from 2009-2019. His current research interest on descriptive, experimental molecular developmental biology of a broad range of invertebrates and includes comparative genomic approaches and phylogenomics. The main research goal is to understand the evolutionary origin and diversification of animal body plans, cell types and organ systems. He is ERC Consolidator Grant holder and received for his achievements in Evolutionary Developmental Biology and Comparative Zoology the prestigious Alexander O. Kovalevsky Medal from the St. Petersburg Society for Naturalists in 2018.


Andreas Hejnol, Professor

Department of Biological Sciences
University of Bergen

Thormøhlensgate 55
NO-5006 Bergen
