EvoCELL is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network aiming at studying the evolution of cell-types and tissues in a diverse array of vertebrates and invertebrates. To do so, the labs involved in the network will use the most recent single-cell and tissue genomic techniques, merging them with more traditional disciplines. EvoCELL ambitious training programme, also in the non-academic sector. Scientific outreach and communication of the project results to a wider public are a fundamental part of the project and all fellows will contribute to it.

The network brings together 8 academic and 2 non-academic organisations from 6 European countries.

Country The department, lab group
Germany Dev. Biol Unit/Arendt lab
  EMBL GeneCore Facility
  Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Lüter lab, Dept. exhibitions
Italy Stazione Zoologica Napoli
Norway Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen
France Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche (OOV)
  Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon (IGFL)
UK Living Systems Institute/Jékely lab
  Dept Genetics, Evolution & Environment
Sweden Dept Earth Sciences, Budd/Janssen lab