Cell type comparisons in the cnidarian planula larvae

A 9 month short term fellowship is available under the co-supervision of Evelyn Houliston and
Richard Copley at the Villefranche-sur-mer Developmental Biology Laboratory (LBDV) near Nice in
France, within the Marie Curie ITN “EvoCELL” (https://evocell-itn.eu). The preferred starting
date is 1st September 2019. The LBDV is located in a Sorbonne University marine station on the
French Mediterranean coast. Its 7 research groups are using marine model organisms to address a
variety of questions in cell and developmental biology (http://biodev.obs-vlfr.fr/en/index.html ).

General information on the EvoCELL Network

EvoCELL is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network addressing the evolution of celltypes
using a diverse array of vertebrates and invertebrates. The network unites 8 academic and 2
non-academic organisations from 6 European countries. It provides a multi-disciplinary and
international environment with training opportunities and exchange between the Network
members. The labs in the network are using single-cell and tissue genomic techniques, merging them
with more traditional approaches. All fellows will also contribute to scientific outreach and
communication to a wider public as a fundamental part of the project. Applications are invited from
excellent candidates seeking training in the field of animal evolution from a cell-type perspective. For
general information on the EvoCELL short term fellowships see

Project description

This project aims to compare cell types in the anthozoan (coral) species Pocillopora damicornis and
the hydrozoan (jellyfish) species Clytia hemisphaerica, and will be conducted in collaboration with Dr
Isabelle Domart-Coulon (MNHN Paris). The EvoCell short term ESR will generate single cell
transcriptome data for Pocillopora planula larvae, and characterise cell types identified by in situ
hybridisation,. The data acquired will be compared with those being generated for Clytia by the
Villefranche long term ESR in order to address cell type evolution and conservation within Cnidaria.
We are looking for highly motivated candidates with interests in animal evolution, cell and
developmental biology, keen to embrace both experimental and computational approaches.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants should have a Masters degree or equivalent (e.g. a 5-year university degree) in a relevant
field, but cannot already possess a doctoral degree. Experience in experimental molecular biology
and bioinformatics is preferable. To be eligible for the fellowship, candidates should have no more
than 4 years of research experience since graduation from a bachelor’s level degree. Candidates of all
nationalities may apply, but they must not have lived in France for more than 12 months in the 3
years immediately prior to their appointment. The fellow will receive a competitive salary, including
a mobility allowance and social security. Applications (a short letter of interest and CV) or informal
enquiries should be sent to houliston@obs-vlfr.fr or copley@obs-vlfr.fr

More informations about the Villefranche-sur-mer Developmental Biology Laboratory.

