From the 7th until the 13th of October 2018 all fellows and almost all principal investigators (PIs) came together for a practical course on single cell dissociation and analysis held at the EMBL in Heidelberg. Since the kick-off meeting in February 2018 all eleven fellows had been hired or were in the process of starting their project. The event was therefore the first time where the fellows met each other and the PIs of the EvoCELL network.
We had a beautiful, sunny autumn week together and the dynamics between the fellows were great from the beginning. All fellows were excited (and of course, also a bit nervous!) about the individual projects and the network itself and kept being motivated throughout the week – even though it was a pretty intensive week. It was packed with lectures, introductions to the individual labs and projects, and the main focus: a practical course on single cell dissociation and analysis. The course was an important part of the network wide training events of EvoCELL.
Special thanks to Marzia Sidri and Francesca Stomeo for organizing the event and the Arendt lab, the EMBL GeneCore Facility, as well as the Kaessmann lab for being such a great host!

The fellows, many of the PIs, Francesca Stomea (project manager), and Jacob Musser in front of the ATC building at EMBL during our last course day.

Last nights dinner at urban kitchen in Heidelberg with almost everyone that was involved in the practical course. Delicious drinks and burgers!
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