UiB – Knowledge that shapes society

Through robust and close interaction with the world around us – globally, nationally and locally – we shall be instrumental in building a society based on knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Do you want to take part in shaping the future?

EvoCELL ITN short-term fellowship

A short-term (up to 9 month) fellowship to conduct a research project about the evolution of larval body plans is available in the lab of Prof. Dr. Andreas Hejnol at the Department of Biological Sciences (University of Bergen, Norway).


Training in implementing Single-Cell sequencing on embryos of marine species and microscopic live imaging of embryonic development.

The fellowship is funded by the Marie Skłodowska Curie ITN “EvoCELL” (https://evocell-itn.eu). The network, coordinated by EMBL Heidelberg, comprises 9 leading European labs with complementary expertise in evolutionary developmental biology (EvoDevo), bioinformatics, functional neurobiology, and paleontology. The fellow will also have the opportunity to participate at the network training activities and benefit from the already established collaborations. The suggested start date of the fellowship is June 2020.


The fellowship is aimed at post graduate students who either

  • have a molecular/bioinformatical set of skills obtained during their studies and aim to apply them to marine non-model systems, OR
  • are interested to obtain training in a methodology used in the host laboratory (imaging, bioinformatics and molecular).

The ideal candidate is highly motivated and should have a genuine interest in studying the evolution of animals. For further information regarding the position and scientific content of the project please contact the Professor Dr. Andreas Hejnol (email andreas.hejnol@uib.no)

In order to be eligible to apply for this position, candidates should have completed their Master studies (or a degree that allows them to embark in a PhD in their country of origin or in the hosting country), no longer than 4 years from the start of the fellowship. At the start of their fellowship, candidates may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in Norway for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the appointment. Candidates can be of any nationality, but are required to undertake transnational mobility. Applications from candidates who already possess a doctoral degree will not be considered.

Applicants must have excellent skills in oral and written English

Selection process

Applicants should apply at the University of Bergen, Department of Biological Sciences (BIO).

Applications should include a short motivation letter with stated research interest and planned duration of stay, CV including list of skills, and copies of diplomas and reference letters.

Applications by e-mail only will not be considered.

Application closing deadline: 24/03/2020


The Job Profile and a Job Description (pdf) is available here.
